CM Punk's music hits and IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!
CM Punk vs. Bobby Fish
Punk in his long bois tonight. Chants for both men to start the match off. We get some nice wrestling to start. Punk has the advantage and is able to control and Fish keeps going for kicks to the legs of Punk to take him off his feet and take away the GTS from Punk. Fish takes Punk to the top for a suplex but Punk fights him off and hits a top rope elbow on one leg. Masterful selling by Punk! GTS attempt by Punk but Fish catches the knee and dragon screws Punk. Punk is able to counter Fish and hits the GTS! Punk drags himself and covers Fish. Fish kicks out at 3.1. Maybe it was a botch. I am not sure, but it worked in the context of the match that Punk was so hurt he was barely able to cover Fish and pin him. We will probably see a rematch if it was a botch. Still a very good match.
Malakai Black cuts a promo on Cody about how he made Cody hated by his Nightmare Family and the fans and made Cody go to a darker place to beat him. The House always wins. That's how you rehab someone after a loss! Love it!
MJF vs. Bryce Donovan
Jobber in the ring already. Massive heat for MJF. Handshake by MJF leads to a sneak attack. MJF hits his Heat Seeker Piledriver and pins the jobber with one finger. That's a squash!
MJF has the mic. He buries Boston and their women. He says Darby is pathetic for not showing up and mentions how he beat Adam Page in the past. He challenges the winner of the World Title match after Full Gear. Stings music hits! But MJF laughs. It was all a break. Black out. Video of Darby attacking an MJF lookalike. Sting in the ring! Bat shot to Spears and Wardlow. MJF ducks out by the guardrail but Darby is in the crowd! Spears saves MJF, who runs up the ramp. Darby attacks Spears and takes a skateboard with thumbtacks on it to Wardlow. Darby challenges MJF to a match at Full Gear. From MJF's entire promo to the babyfaces getting some revenge (but now on MJF), this was perfect! Loved every second!
Tony Schiavone with Britt Baker and her crew. Tony says that since Britt walked out on a match with Abadon on the Jericho cruise, she will face Abadon in a No DQ match on Rampage, where if Abadon wins she gets a title match. Britt isn't too worried after they announce it will be No DQ.
AEW TNT Championship Match: Sammy Guevara vs. Ethan Page
Sammy rushes the ring and jumps Ethan and they brawl to the floor for a few. They get in the ring and their match is underway. Sammy is able to control with his speed. Ethan cuts him off when he goes to the top rope and hits a backbreaker on the turnbuckle. Very nice! A good back and forth match. Sammy does a lot of crazy high risk offense while Ethan uses his size and power well. Sammy is able to counter Ethan and jackknife him to get the pin.
Ethan jumps Sammy after the match and Scorpio Sky runs out to join him. Chris Jericho's music hits (with pryo) and the Inner Circle clear the ring. Jericho waits for the chorus to talk. (Fucking Hell, this dude needs to get a hold of his ego.) Jericho insults Men of the Year and announces that the match between Inner Circle vs. American Top Team will be a street fight. He wants Dan Lambert here next week to announce who on American Top Team will be in the match. He quotes Aerosmith and ends the promo. Sammy deserved the mic time more since he won the match.
Tony Schiavone backstage with Bryan Danielson and Eddie Kingston. Kingston cuts an amazing promo about how hard he worked to be in AEW. Danielson cuts a fired up promo and puts over how tough Kingston is but Danielson will still beat him. This was fantastic!
Tony Schiavone with The Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes. Penta cuts a promo in Spanish and Fenix cuts one in English both on FTR and their attacks on the team. Alex cuts a great promo saying it will be The Lucha Brothers vs. FTR at Full Gear.
AEW TBS Championship Tournament First Round Match: Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida
Aggressive lock-up to start and some fired up exchanges which makes sense given their last match. Deeb targets the leg of Shida once again but Shida is quick to prevent it. Shida looks more fired up than before and gives Deeb everything she can. Deeb gets some shots on the knee and after Shida hits a dropkick off the stairs, she hurts her knee more. Deeb is all over Shida's knee. Deeb can't get Shida to tap and tries to use Shida's broken trophy as a weapon but Shida takes it. Thumb to Shida's eye. Roll-up for 2. Deeb tries to roll her up again but Shida counters and deep cover gets the 3 and Shida's 50th win! Very good TV match and a great follow-up to their first match.
Deeb attacks Shida after the match. Chair shots and lots of attacks to the knee. Deeb locks in her submission on Shida's knee as referees and JERRY LYNN run out to break it up. Great post-match angle! Shida goes into the next round hurt.
Tony Schiavone with Dante Martin and Leo Rush. Mike Sydal is hurt so their tag match is off so it will be Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal. Leo Rush cuts a solid promo putting over the match. This was pretty good.
AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament First Round Match:10 vs. Jon Moxley
10 has his lame Joker mask instead of the superior Deathstroke mask. Moxley rushes the ring and immediately German suplexes 10 and is all over him. Moxley rips the mask and runs him into the ringpost and we got blood! Well now I am glad 10 used the lame mask. 10 fires up but gets cut off and Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift to end it! Moxley ain't paid by the hour. Another excellent squash. Moxley rushes to the back. I like this no bullshit Moxley.
Tony Schiavone with FTR and Tully Blanchard. They all cut great promos about the match with the Lucha Brothers. They are ready to take back the AEW Tag Titles.
Cody Rhodes music hits and we get boos. This boy is a heel. Cody in the ring to just continuous boos. Cody cuts a promo about refusing to turn heel. It honestly took a while to get there but it kinda worked for me. Andrade El Idolo comes out and insults Cody and calls him a "little bitch". Black out! Malakai Black is here. Mist to Cody and the two jump Cody. PAC rushes out to clear the ring. This was a very fun segment. Any combination of these 4 in a match will be great!
Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver and Colt Cabana vs. The Elite
Stu Grayson is dressed as Kratos, Silver is Bambi, Uno is a cowboy and Colt Cabana is Brandon Cutler. The Elite entered to a mix of the Ghostbuster theme and their theme song and dressed like the Ghostbusters. Cutler is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Nakazawa is a BAYBAY. This is a thing.
This was the most PWG/CHIKARA match ever. Lots of crazy action. The Elite use their proton packs as weapons. Action is all over and the referee is superkicked. The Elite hit low blows and pick apart The Dark Order. Alex Reynolds and Alan Angels run out with another member in half a horse costume. The Elite all hit a BTE Trigger horse man and unmask him, IT'S CUTLER!!! The Marshmallow Man is Hangman Adam Page! HUGE POP! Hangman lays out everyone! John Silver hits his finisher on Matt to win the match.
This match was wild. A ton of people will hate and that's fine. My thought process is that Hangman used the whole costume gimmick to get one over on The Elite and embarrass them. And it worked! The babyfaces beat the heel. On top of that, this was just fun. It's Halloween. Fuck it. Enjoy wrestling once in a while.
I had a lot of fun watching this show. We got some excellent pro wrestling matches, a lot of good promos (with thankfully less brawls in the back this time) and more build-up to Full Gear. I am sure plenty of people will hate on the Cody segment, which I 100% get because he more or less admitted he won't be a heel but if Cody wants to be AEW's John Cena, go for it. This company has already moved past him as a top guy anyway. I expect a ton of hate for the main event. It was a match full of comedy and non-stop action, but my argument is it served a purpose to let Hangman get one over the heels so it worked for me. At this point, if AEW isn't your style of wrestling, you shouldn't be watching. Stop trying to change my wrestling. Two Big Meaty Thumbs Up for this show.