It's Wednesday! And you know what that means!
The Super Elite (Kenny Omega, Adam Cole and The Young Bucks) vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus
Everyone is in the ring as we start the show. Nick and Jungle Boy start. Nice quick action before Nick chops the throat. Cole in but Jungle Boy out maneuvers him and tags in Christian. Christian controls and tags back in Jungle Boy. The Elite use the numbers game to take over. Big “Kenny No Balls” chant when Omega is in. Jungle Boy is able to use his speed and take over against both Bucks and tags in Danielson. Lights up Matt with chops and kicks! Luchasaurus tagged in for a nice pop. He lights up Matt with some strikes of his own. Babyfaces clear the heels off the apron and all attack Matt in the corner.
Everyone fights on the floor. Nakazawa and Cutler distract Christian and the Bucks spike Tombstone Piledriver Christian on the floor! Doctor checks in Christian as the Bucks superkick Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy for some nice heat. Matt gets Jungle Boy back in the ring as the Bucks work him over. Cole puts Jungle Boy in a camel clutch as the Bucks kiss his cheeks. Big pop for it. Omega works over Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy hits a Lariat! Danielson and Luchasaurus take out the stooges as the Bucks try and work over Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy is able tag in Danielson and we get Omega and Danielson in the ring!
The two tee off on each other with strikes. Danielson gets Omega in the corner with some kicks. Hurricanrana off the top followed by a diving headbutt. Bucks break it up but Luchasaurus takes them out. Cole superkick to Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy superkicks Cole. Snap Dragon to Jungle Boy. Danielson hits a tiger suplex for 2. Into Cattle Mutilation! Swanton by Nick breaks it up! Luchasaurus and Cole tagged in. Luchasaurus attacks everyone and runs wild. Things break down as everyone takes out everyone! Insane action! Luchasaurus and Cole end up in the ring alone. Chokeslam and moonsault by Luchasaurus gets 2. Jurassic Express goes to finish it but a referee distraction allows Cole to low blow Luchasaurus. Botched powerbomb by The Elite. Looked bad. Oops. Jungle Boy tries to fight everyone but gets a Snap Dragon and Panama Sunrise for a near-fall as Danielson makes the save. He takes out the whole Elite! Yes Kicks to Omega. But Omega catches the last one. Triple Superkick to Danielson. The Elite BTE Trigger Jungle Boy all at once to end it. Crazy wild match but it was awesome. Very PWG like match. Everyone shined in this match and looked great. The Elite stay dominant when all together. Really wish they had been better about people getting in the ring and double teaming with no tags though. Still an issue at times 2 years in.
We return with a Moxley promo backstage about tonight's ladder match. Moxley is fired up for tonight.
CM Punk is here! He is still so over with the fans as they sing him to the ring. And yes, Punk dives into the crowd again. Punk talks to the people like only he can. He is still happy to be back in the wrestling world and so are the people. Asks the crowd if they want free cheesesteak or for him to wrestle. They chant wrestle. He challenges Daniel Garcia for Rampage! HUGE MATCH FOR FRIDAY! Punk gives a kid dressed like Orange Cassidy his shoes. What a babyface!
Arn promo calling Cody “too Hollywood” and burning a suit in Cody's front yard. Arn shames Cody for losing and slaps him. Curious where this goes.
We get a Bobby Fish video package. Nice little touch to introduce him to the AEW fans
Sammy Guevara vs. Bobby Fish
Fish enters to his old reDRagon theme! YES! Sammy gets a split screen promo as he enters. He bought Fuego del Sol a truck. What a friend. Bobby starts out striking Sammy while Sammy uses his quickness to stick and move. Gets a little too flash and Bobby kicks his leg out from under him and lands hard. Bobby takes over and works over Sammy with more strikes as we go to commercials.
We are back and Sammy gets the knees up as Bobby hits a senton. Sammy fires up and starts rolling but Bobby hits a backdrop suplex for a near-fall. Sammy hits a Spanish Fly out of nowhere. Goes for a 630 but Bobby cuts him off at the top rope and hits Falcon Arrow off the top for 2. Exploder Suplex into the corner for another 2. Bobby misses a kick and Sammy lifts him up and hits the GTH to win and survive. A good match with the underdog Sammy fighting to survive. Bobby didn't do much to stand out but it was a good match for TV.
Dan Lambert and American Top Team enters from the crowd and surrounds the ring. They jump Sammy and work him over. Bless them but they can't work. Fuego tries to help but is quickly taken down. Chris Jericho and Jake Hager enter to a huge pop. Of course Jericho needs his music as he fights off American Top Team. Jericho and Hager clear the ring. Dan Lambert cuts off the music but the crowd still sings. Bless you, Philly. Dan Lambert buries the company and the town. Lambert challenges Inner Circle (Jericho, Hager and Sammy) to a match against Men of the Year and Junior dos Santos for Rampage in Florida. Crowd booed Lambert all promo! Amazing! Jericho accepts after needing to get a 2nd microphone.
The Acclaimed rap a promo on The Lucha Brothers. They get a title match on Rampage this week. I am all for Lucha Brothers working with underneath tag teams on free TV to get some wins as well as give young guys TV time.
Tony Schiavone in the ring with Aubrey. He thanks the fans for the support over the past 2 years. Next year they will be on TBS and there will be a TBS Champion for the women's division. They unveil the TBS title and I approve. Looks great!
JR has a backstage interview with Darby Allin. Darby talks about his uncle passing away after drunk driving and why he paints his face. This was a great segment and Darby really stood out here. These JR interviews continue to be awesome.
Darby Allin vs. Nick Comoroto
Darby dives onto Comoroto from the top rope to start the match. Darby is all over Comoroto with his quickness. Comoroto counters Darby's stunner and slams him as we go to break. Back from break and Darby hits his stunner! Coffin Drop on Nick while he's on his hands and knees for 3. Squash match! This was fun for TV and give Darby a nice win.
QT hits a Diamond Cutter on Sting but he no sells it. Scorpion Death Drop for QT. That made me laugh.
Dark Order is all backstage. They all are going to be the leader. They joke about Alan Angel, John Silver and Stu Grayson all looking the same.
Dante Martin in the ring with Tony Schiavone. Dante talks about his impressive string of matches and challenges anyone. Lights out! Spotlight and Black is behind Dante! Mist to Dante and Black Mass! Lights out again! Lights back on and Black in the ring with Dante on the floor. He accepts his challenge. AWESOME segment.
Ricky Starks in the ring. He cuts a promo about the FTW title and talks about Cage. Says Cage didn't show up only for Cage to run out. Cage attacks Starks as Hobbs and HOOK pulls him from the ring. Pretty nothing segment.
The women's division cut promos about the new TBS tournament. Thunder Rosa seemed okay. Skye Blue sounded very green. Ruby Soho was good and Jade Cargill said TBS will stand for “That Bitch’s Show”. She loves saying bitch.
Shida vs. Serena Deeb
They have a trophy to celebrate Shida's 50th victory if she wins. I wonder who is winning. Some great wrestling to start as both women are even in terms of skill. Deeb slaps Shida so you know she is the heel. Shida takes over with some corner punches and headbutt. Shida tries to do her leap off the chair but Deeb puts the chair away. Nice touch. Deeb cuts Shida off as she tries to enter the ring as we go to break.
We come back and Shida punches Deeb and hits a spinning slam on Deeb before hitting a top rope dropkick. Back and forth action as Deeb looks to wrestle and Shida uses her strikes. Nice 2nd rope dive by Shida to Deeb on the outside. But Deeb takes out Shida's knee as she tries to enter the ring. Deeb works the knee but Shida tries to power through it. Shida hits multiple moves but can't keep Deeb down. Deeb blocks a kick, thumb in the eye and De-Tox for a big near-fall. Submission hold by Deeb on the knee and SHIDA TAPS! Good women's match with a surprise finish. I like the idea of heel Deeb. Shida looked a little off here.
Deeb hits Shida with the trophy after the match! Love it!
Alex tells Darby backstage that MJF challenged him to a match next week. Darby accepts as a limo pulls up. A masked man chair shots Darby from behind. 3 more get out and attack Darby. It's clearly The Pinnacle. They lay out Darby as one final masked man checks Darby with his skateboard. Great segment!
They run down the card for Rampage.
Lio Rush cuts a promo about seeing potential in Dante Martin and wanting to help him.
Tony Schiavone with Britt Baker and her group. She is happy for the new TBS title because now everyone can fight over that title and not come after her. Baker is great.
Casino Ladder Match
Orange Cassidy vs. PAC vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lance Archer vs. Jon Moxley vs. "Hangman" Adam Page
Orange Cassidy enters with Franklin the Dog, the local mascot. PAC blocks Orange Cassidy from putting hands in his pocket and they lock up. PAC knocks Cassidy down and Cassidy just lays there relaxing. PAC just beats on Cassidy more as we get the first ladder in only for Cassidy to push it out. Andrade El Idolo enters as him and PAC lock eyes. Baseball slide into Andrade by PAC. PAC sets up a ladder but Andrade springboard to the top of it and hits a sunset bomb on PAC. Orange Cassidy puts his hands in pockets and lazy kicks Andrade who responds with a nice chop to Cassidy’s chest. Orange Cassidy hits a nice head scissor with his hands in his pockets. That’s impressive. Matt Hardy enters. Hardy attacks everyone with ladder shots. Cassidy stops Hardy from climbing as we go to commercial.
Lance Archer enters during commercial and attacks everyone. Archer splashes Orange while he is bridged on a ladder. Jon Moxley enters. Archer meets him in the crowd and they brawl. They make it ringside. Everyone fights everyone as we get ladder shots and a ton of action. The final entry is the Joker and it is “HANGMAN” ADAM PAGE!!!! HUGE POP! Page takes out everyone! PAC from behind with a chair! Sets up a table and climbs a ladder. PAC knocks Andrade off the ladder to the outside onto a ladder! Look so painful! Dead Eye by Page on PAC off the ladder through the table! JESUS! Paradigm Shift on Page by Moxley! Hardy leg drops Orange Cassidy through a table on the floor.
Archer takes out Moxley in the ring. Buckshot Lariat to Archer! Moxley back in with a chair to the back of Page as he climbs the ladder. Moxley and Page on the ladder. Strikes to each other and Moxley falls off! Page gets the chip!!! Page gets a title shot!!!! The Cowboy Rides Again!!!! A wild car crash match. Very much like any modern Money in the Bank match in WWE. I don't like the stacked entrances because it just breaks up the flow of the match. Hangman's return was fantastic and him winning was absolutely the right call. Now put the belt on him!
Hangman has a beer as we go off the air.
Another great episode of Dynamite. A fun 8 man tag to start the show. Punk’s promo and challenge for Rampage. Sammy gets his first title defense on a veteran, Bobby Fish (who is now signed by AEW). Some nice promos and squashes matches to get people on TV. Deeb’s heel turn was great and the main event while a car crash was fun to watch and gave us the big return of The Hangman. AEW enters their 2nd year of Dynamite still delivering week after week.
Follow me on Twitter @AlexKalil for more thoughts and opinions.