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AEW Rampage 10/1/21 Review

Alex Kalil

It's Friday and you know what that means!!!

Here comes the Dragon! That's how you start a show!

Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson

Nick cheap shots Bryan early and avoids his strikes. Nick taunts Bryan on the outside but is caught by a dive and Danielson takes over. It's so amazing to see Danielson work someone over again! Crowd starts chanting "You're gonna get your fucking head kicked in!". I've missed that chant. Danielson works on all of Nick's limbs like a boss. He is the greatest wrestler in the world. Danielson misses his corner dropkick and Nick dumps him to the outside which allows Matt to get some shots on Danielson as we go to commercial.

Nick works over Danielson as we come back. Nick does Danielson's Yes kicks which just pisses off the Dragon. Danielson lights Nick up with strikes and shows him how to do the Yes kicks the right way. Corner dropkick by Danielson but on the third one, Nick catches him with a superkick. 450 by Nick but Bryan gets his knees up. LeBell Lock! But Nick gets the ropes. Danielson with more kicks on the apron but he misses one and hits the ring post. Superkick by Nick and a German suplex on the apron! Big dive by Nick and he rolls Danielson in and locks in a Scorpion Deathlock. Danielson gets the ropes. Danielson to the outside. Nick goes for a kick but hits Brandon Culter! German on the floor by the Dragon. Tiger Suplex by Danielson for 2. Into the MMA elbows and CATTLE MUTILATION!!!! TAP OUT!!! This was awesome. Nick bent and broke the rules to take over while Danielson was always the better wrestler. It's a joy to watch Danielson wrestle.


The Elite, Christian and Jurassic Express all come out and get in a brawl. Babyfaces hit their finishes while Danielson and Jungle Boy submit Omega and Cole.

Hobbs and HOOK introduce a video package on Ricky Starks. Kinda cool. Makes Starks look like a star. Don't care for him vs. Cage. Give me Punk vs. Starks.

Starks joins commentary and puts over his video. Nice touch.

CM Punk promo package. Puts over his match with Hobbs nicely and says he wants the best in AEW to challenge him.

Jade Cargill vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa

Jade has superstar written all over her. Remember when Nyla was a threat and a potential star? 2 years in she feels like just another person. Big pop for Rosa. Rosa is able to control on both heels early but is caught by Nyla's strength and taken out. Nyla and Jade go at it and Jade clotheslines her to the outside. Rosa comes back with a dropkick on Jade as we go to commercial.

We return with Rosa in control of Jade. Dropkicks a trash can into Jade. Nyla breaks up the cover. Match breaks down into spots back and forth with all 3 women. I appreciate we aren't doing the 2 in, 1 out booking of a 3 way match. Rosa is able to slip out of Nyla's grip and powerbomb her from the 2nd rope to the floor through a table! Crazy spot! Rosa tries to get Nyla in but Jade batters Rosa with a chair! Gets the win. Very fun 3-way match. Everyone looked good. I question pinning Rosa but they did give her an out and Jade remains undefeated.


Malakai Black promo package. He hopes Cody has learned his lesson and threatens to move on to other victims.

We come back with a video package on Sammy Guevara and his title win. He hypes his match with Bobby Fish.

Commentary runs down the card for the 2nd Anniversary episode of Dynamite. PAC, Andrade, Moxley and Archer announced for the Casino Ladder match. That's a stacked match!

Mark Henry with Matt Hardy, Jack Evans and Orange Cassidy to hype the main event. Orange Cassidy doesn't know what he is doing or where he is. Another bad WWE segment.

Hair vs. Hair Match: Orange Cassidy vs. Jack Evans

Orange Cassidy gets a nice pop. Matt Hardy tries to attack Cassidy at the bell but is stopped by the ref. Quick roll up by Jack for 2. Cassidy gets his hands in his pocket, dodges all of Jack's moves and hits his lazy kicks. Matt sucker punches Cassidy and gives Jack an opening for a flashy kick and a 450 off the apron to the floor. We go to commercial with Jack working over Cassidy.

We return with Orange Cassidy hitting dives on Matt Hardy and Jack Evans. Evans counters a crossbody for a roll up near-fall. Evans takes over with some flashy moves. Evans misses a big move off the top. Cassidy hits a DDT and a diving DDT from the top for 2. The HFo come out but are blocked by The Dark Order and The Best Friends. Orange Punch by Cassidy gets the 3. A nothing match for a nothing feud. AEW is past this kind of shit. Orange Cassidy is over but this feud is not good TV.


Hardy ditches Jack as Orange Cassidy cuts Jack Evans' hair. Commentary mentions Hardy and Orange Cassidy are in the Casino Ladder match on Wednesday. Everyone gets in on cutting Evans' hair even Brodie Lee Jr. Big group hug to end the show. Nice image to go off the air.

2 out of 3 matches on Rampage tonight delivered. I demand weekly Danielson matches going forward. The women over-delivered in a big way. Jade is going to be a star and Rosa is already my pick to beat Britt Baker for the belt. I question Rosa losing but they gave her an out. Maybe a feud with Rosa will help Jade grow and give both something to do on TV. Orange Cassidy/Hardy feud needs to end! This is bad. Like the Pandemic era "We just need something for TV" bad. Time to put feuds like this on YouTube, not national TV. Like always AEW gave me reasons to be excited and tune in next week though.

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